

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


Esta actividad está diseñada para los alumnos de 3º de Primaria, concretamente para la clase de inglés. Como ya han dado la ropa es una buena manera de que repasen los nombres y también conectarlo con las matemáticas para que comparen precios y hagan sumas. Es una actividad muy completa y acompañada de un personaje que les gustará muchísimo.

Hello guys! How are you? I hope you are all right! As you know we are in winter and your English teacher told me that you have studied the clothes…
I have a big problem and you have to help me…
Look at me, I’m not wearing any clothes at all and I have to go to New York and I’m going to freeze!!!

I don’t have anything and you have to let me know everything I should bring for 3 days. Could you please help me??

  •                   Here you can find some suitcases:

(I will need a big one, not more expensive than 50 euros)


  •   And here you can find clothes, I need: a long warm coat, three sweaters, two trousers, one pair of gloves, and a pair of boots.        (Not more expensive than 300 euros) 


Okay….now I think I have everything I need… Could you tell me how much money do I have to pay you?
Thank you veryyyy much!! I’m so happy right now!! Let’s sing one of my favourite songs about New York!!
See you soon!!! 

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